Fotonow CIC Associate Photographer Liz Orcutt has been awarded Arts Council funding to work with residents of Barne Barton as part of the ongoing Island Stories project. Liz’s approach will involve working with participants, their histories and experience of place using a range of sources; photographs, personal artefacts and interviews to create a series of 3 dimensional photographic dioramas. Participants will work as a group or on an individual basis with Liz, Island Stories social history researcher, Lisa Howard, and Fotonow mentee, Jessica Ashley-Stokes.
The aim is to produce 10 photographic dioramas to be shown locally during September and October 2018 at the RegenSpace Roberts Road, St Budeaux Library and Riverside Community Primary School Barne Barton and as part of the Plymouth Weekender, 28th – 30th September.
Liz is currently undertaking research and meeting local residents. More to follow…


■ 2018 / Blog / Last Updated August 21, 2018 by admin /